Bona Fide Bellevue  Façade Grant 

Bona Fide Bellevue has created a grant program to encourage downtown business owners and building owners to participate in energizing Bellevue’s business district with new and well-designed business façades.

2023 façades grant applications are closed.

Visit this page or follow us on Facebook or Instagram to learn about this year’s grant winners once awards are made.

Bona Fide Bellevue has created a grant program to encourage downtown business owners and building owners to participate in energizing Bellevue’s business district with new and well-designed business façades.

Bona Fide Bellevue highly recommends that applicants view to see examples of attractive and creative signage and façades from other neighborhoods.

Grants For:
Business or building façade updates including, but not limited to, window decals, paint, curb appeal additions (e.g. planters), signage, lighting, and awnings with lettering.

Grant Amounts:
Up to $2,750.00

Who May Apply:
Owners of businesses located on Lincoln Avenue, Bellevue, between the side streets South Fremont and North Starr and owners of buildings on the same part of Lincoln Avenue. Owners of vacant properties are eligible for grant award if the property is actively listed for sale.  Façade grants under this program will be awarded at the sole discretion of Bona Fide Bellevue.

Award Criteria:
Consideration for approval shall include, but not be limited to, the following criteria to be applied to all proposed façades:

  1. Transformation of business district
  2. Appropriate and creative design
  3. Legibility
  4. Durability (i.e. weather proof)

3-Step Application Process:

  1. Submit initial application by June 30, 2023 to confirm interest in the grant program and describe owner’s goals and initial ideas.
  2. Bona Fide Bellevue’s Façade Committee will set up a meeting with each applicant to discuss and review ideas and options.
  3. Submit a detailed design proposal by July 31, 2023 showing color, dimensions, materials, installation details, and cost including at least one bid. All designs must be prepared and stamped by a Pennsylvania certified architect, engineer, or a Pennsylvania design professional. The submission must also include the consent of the building owner (if it is not owned by the applicant) and proof that contractor(s) is(are) insured.

Bona Fide Bellevue will announce the awardees by August 15, 2023.  

Requirements To Be Completed Before Work Can Begin:
A Bellevue permit and a fully executed contract with the applicant’s selected contractor(s) are required before work may begin. Façade installation must be completed within 6 months after the announcement of the awardees. If that deadline is not met, Bona Fide Bellevue may terminate the grant, at its sole discretion.

Payment of Award:
Bona Fide Bellevue will pay to the contractor(s) a deposit of one-half the grant amount or one-half the contract amount (whichever is less) at the beginning of the contracted work.  When all approved work has been completed, the remaining grant award will be paid by Bona Fide Bellevue to the contractor(s).

Application Deadline:
June 30, 2023

Please direct any questions to: or

Application Resources:
Bellevue Signage Ordinances

Economic Benefits of Quality Business Signage

Ordinance Summary

Bellevue Property Resources


Have a question? E-Mail Us.